Stores optional custom data for an assessment. Assessment custom data consists of one or more keys where each key has an associated data type,
one or more values and an optional label. See the customData parameter below for additional details.
Each time you call SetAssessmentCustomData for an assessment:
- keys in the payload that do not already exist for the assessment will have their values added to the assessment's custom data.
- keys in the payload that already exist for the assessment will have their values updated.
- keys not in the payload that already exist for the assessment will not have their values changed.
- keys in the payload that have a zero-length array value will be removed from the assessment's custom data.
Use the GetAssessmentCustomData method to retrieve an assessment's custom data that was set by the SetAssessmentCustomData method. Use the DeleteAssessmentCustomData method to delete an assessment's custom data that was set by the SetAssessmentCustomData method.